Overdue pregnancy- Best Gynecologist in Chennai- Dr.Niveditha Kamaraj

Anticipation and concern naturally build as a woman approaches her due date, but when days extend beyond the expected timeframe, tension and anxiety can set in. The worries about the baby’s health, potential complications, and societal expectations contribute to nervousness and, in some cases, grief. Acknowledging that overdue pregnancies are common, the waiting game can be harrowing for expectant mothers.

Dr. Niveditha Kamaraj, a Best gynecologist at Aakash Fertility Centre in Chennai, an expert in dealing with overdue pregnancies, this condition is not rare and is associated with certain risks and complications in some instances. Recognizing the significant concern and worry it brings to pregnant women, we aim to provide firsthand information about overdue pregnancy in this blog to enhance your awareness.

Causes of overdue pregnancy

  • Inaccurate Due Date Calculation: Sometimes, the estimated due date may not be accurate. If the calculation is based on uncertain or irregular menstrual cycles, or if there are discrepancies in the dating ultrasound, the due date may be miscalculated.
  • First Pregnancy: First-time mothers are more likely to have pregnancies that go beyond the due date. It is believed that the natural processes of labor and birth may take longer during a woman’s first pregnancy.
  • Genetics: The length of pregnancy can be influenced by genetic factors. If the mother or father has a family history of longer pregnancies, it may increase the likelihood of overdue pregnancy.
  • Health Conditions: Certain maternal health conditions, such as diabetes or obesity, can increase the risk of overdue pregnancy. These conditions may affect the hormonal balance and uterine environment.
  • Fetal Factors: Sometimes, the baby may not be ready for birth due to factors such as slower lung development or other physiological reasons. The baby’s position or size may also contribute to a longer pregnancy.
  • Placental Function: The placenta plays a crucial role in regulating the duration of pregnancy. If the placenta is not functioning optimally, it may lead to an extended pregnancy.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional factors, including stress and anxiety, can influence the timing of labor. High levels of stress hormones may interfere with the hormonal signals that trigger labor.
  • Environmental Factors: Exposures to certain environmental factors or pollutants might influence the timing of labor. However, the role of these factors is not fully understood.

Risk associate with overdue pregnancy

  • Fetal Distress: As the pregnancy progresses beyond the due date, the placenta may age and function less effectively. This can lead to reduced oxygen and nutrient supply to the baby, potentially resulting in fetal distress.
  • Macrosomia: Prolonged gestation increases the likelihood of the baby growing larger than average (macrosomia). A larger baby can increase the risk of complications during delivery, such as shoulder dystocia.
  • Decreased Amniotic Fluid: Over time, the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby may decrease, which could affect fetal well-being. Adequate amniotic fluid is essential for the baby’s development and protection.
  • Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: In post-term pregnancies, there is an increased risk of the baby passing meconium (the first bowel movement) in the amniotic fluid. Meconium aspiration can occur if the baby inhales the meconium, leading to respiratory issues.
  • Placental Insufficiency: The aging of the placenta may result in decreased blood flow and nutrient exchange between the mother and the baby. Placental insufficiency can affect fetal growth and well-being.
  • Increased Risk of Cesarean Section: Post-term pregnancies may be associated with a higher likelihood of needing a cesarean section, especially if complications arise during labor, such as fetal distress or difficulties progressing through the birth canal.
  • Meconium-Stained Amniotic Fluid: The presence of meconium in the amniotic fluid may indicate fetal distress. Meconium-stained fluid can lead to complications and requires careful monitoring during labor.
  • Umbilical Cord Compression: Prolonged pregnancies may increase the risk of umbilical cord compression, which can compromise blood flow to the baby.

How to overcome the risk of overdue pregnancy?

  • Regular Monitoring: Dr. Niveditha Kamaraj emphasizes the importance of regular prenatal check-ups, especially as the due date approaches. Close monitoring helps healthcare providers assess the well-being of both the mother and the baby.
  • Fetal Monitoring: Continuous fetal monitoring may be recommended to assess the baby’s heart rate and detect any signs of distress. This monitoring helps in making timely decisions regarding the course of the pregnancy.
  • Biophysical Profile (BPP): BPP is a prenatal ultrasound evaluation that assesses the baby’s well-being by examining factors such as amniotic fluid levels, fetal movements, and heart rate. This test provides valuable information for managing overdue pregnancies.
  • Non-Stress Test (NST): NST is a common test to monitor the baby’s heart rate in response to its movements. It helps assess the baby’s overall health and responsiveness to stimuli.
  • Induction of Labor: In cases where the risks associated with overdue pregnancy become significant, healthcare providers may recommend inducing labor to ensure a safe delivery. This can involve the use of medications or other techniques to stimulate contractions.
  • Cervical Ripening: Before induction, cervical ripening may be necessary to prepare the cervix for labor. This can be achieved through medications or mechanical methods to soften and dilate the cervix.
  • Amniotomy: In some cases, breaking the amniotic sac (amniotomy) may be done to initiate or speed up labor. This is often performed in conjunction with other induction methods.
  • Counseling and Support: Dealing with an overdue pregnancy can be emotionally challenging. Dr. Niveditha Kamaraj and the healthcare team at Aakash IVF Hospital provide counseling and support to expectant mothers, addressing concerns and ensuring a positive experience.

Overcoming overdue pregnancy involves careful monitoring and, in some cases, medical interventions to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Dr. Niveditha Kamaraj, a top pregnancy doctor at Aakash IVF Hospital, a best maternity hospital in Chennai, provides expert guidance in managing overdue pregnancies. Book your appointment today.

– Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital

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