Infertility can be an emotionally challenging issue for couples who are unable to conceive within the first year of their marriage.. Approximately 10-14% of Indians, with higher rates in urban areas, grapple with infertility, affecting about 1 in 6 couples.

 Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj, a renowned fertility specialist in Chennai, offers hope through treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF), a complex procedure involving egg retrieval, laboratory fertilization, and embryo transfer to the woman’s uterus. IVF is a common and effective solution for many struggling couples, although success rates vary due to several factors.

 There are different reasons why couples may have trouble getting pregnant. It could be due to issues with the man’s sperm (in about 40% of cases), problems with the woman’s eggs (around 30%), difficulties with the woman’s uterus lining (approximately 20%), or issues with the fallopian tubes (about 10%). Sometimes, the cause of infertility is unknown.

What are the factors that can impact the effectiveness of IVF?


 The age of the woman is a crucial factor influencing the outcome of IVF. Typically, women under 35 tend to have the highest success rates. Those aged 35-37 experience somewhat lower success rates, and women between 38-40 face even further reduced success rates.

 Once a woman crosses the age of 40, the success rates of IVF see a significant decline. This decline can be attributed to the lower quality of eggs in older women, which diminishes their chances of successful fertilization and a healthy pregnancy.

 Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj, a top IVF specialist in India, recommends that those who wish to delay parenthood consider cryopreservation. This process allows for the freezing and preservation of reproductive materials, ensuring that their fertility is conserved for potential use during IVF procedures.

Lifestyle habits

 A woman’s lifestyle can impact the success of IVF treatment. Women who smoke, excessively consume alcohol, or use recreational drugs tend to have lower chances of a successful IVF cycle. This is because these habits can harm the quality of eggs, making them less likely to fertilize. Additionally, such behaviors can lead to DNA damage in sperm.

 Best Gynecologist in Chennai, Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj, advises women contemplating IVF to discontinue these activities for at least three months before the procedure to improve their chances of success.



 Weight is another crucial factor that can impact the outcome of IVF. Women who are overweight or obese often experience lower success rates compared to those with average weight. This is primarily because excess weight can lead to hormonal imbalances and affect the body’s response to IVF fertility drugs, potentially making conception more challenging. Furthermore, overweight women are at a higher risk of conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which can further complicate the process of conceiving.


Quality of eggs, sperm, and embryo 

 The success of IVF is greatly influenced by the quality of eggs, sperm, and embryos. More eggs generally increase the chance of successful fertilization and pregnancy. Poor egg quality, often due to factors like age, can lower the chances of success. In such cases, using a donor egg can help. For men, sperm count and quality are crucial, with fertility generally highest before age 40. Lastly, using the best-quality embryo for implantation is vital. Fertility specialist at Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital in Chennai, prefers the Blastocyst culture and transfer technique for this purpose, as it enhances the chances of success while reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies.



 The emotional well-being of an individual and their likelihood of a successful implantation can be negatively influenced by the anxiety and uncertainty often associated with an uncertain future. Women experiencing high levels of stress are also at a higher risk of encountering difficulties in their IVF journey. Stress can disrupt ovulation and hinder the chances of conception.

 To maximize the likelihood of a successful IVF treatment, Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj, the leading Gynecologist in Chennai, highlights the need for effective stress management. She places great importance on engaging in activities that promote a positive mindset, including meditation, exercise, spending time outdoors, self-care, and other mood-enhancing practices, throughout the IVF process. At Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital in Chennai, these factors are taken into account when guiding couples through the IVF journey.

 When thinking about IVF, it’s important to discuss these aspects with a knowledgeable IVF specialist, such as experienced professionals like Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj at Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital in Chennai. This center is well-equipped to provide comprehensive infertility treatment in India. More than 33 years of gynecological expertise, Dr. Jeyarani Kamaraj is a top choice for those seeking IVF treatment in Chennai.

– Aakash Fertility Centre & Hospital

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